
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

How to Add Leaves to Garden Soil

How to Add Leaves to Garden Soil

Soil is composed of mineral particles in the form of sand, silt, clay and loam. The specific combination determines the texture of the soil. Garden loam typically contains from 7 to 27 percent clay, 28 to 50 percent silt and 23 to 53 percent sand, explains the University of Arizona's Extension services. Organic matter makes up 1 to 5 percent of topsoil. Adding additional organic matter, such as leaves, increases aeration and promotes good drainage. Does this Spark an idea?



    Chop or shred dried leaves before adding to the soil. Smaller pieces decompose faster, improving the texture of the soil.


    Spread dried shredded or chopped leaves over the garden bed. A 2- to 3-inch layer is ideal, but smaller amounts can be used to improve the soil. Use whatever amount of leaves are available.


    Till the leaves into the soil with a garden tiller. Work leaves into the top 6 inches of soil with hand tools, such as a rake or trowel, in small areas.


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