
Monday, September 30, 2013

How to Use a Changing Table Dresser With No Sides

How to Use a Changing Table Dresser With No Sides

Using a dresser changing table with no sides can be done safely as long as a few precautions are taken. Changing diapers is never fun for parents or baby, but getting through the process quickly and safely will make baby's day go by smoothly. Changing tables, especially ones with no sides, should be stocked with everything needed to get baby changed, including wipes, diapers, diaper cream and a fun toy to keep older babies entertained.



    Place a waist-high dresser in a location where your baby can be changed in the middle of the night with the fewest distractions. One of the best places for a baby's changing area is near the crib.


    Roll out the shelf liner so that it is longer than the changing pad. Use the permanent marker to trace along the edges of the changing pad onto the shelf liner. Cut out the liner along the permanent marker lines.


    Place the shelf liner on top of the dresser where you want the changing pad to be used. Lay the changing pad on top of the shelf liner and test to make sure that the pad grips the dresser when it is pushed lightly.


    Neatly stack a supply of diapers, a box of wipes, diaper cream and a toy to the side of the changing pad so that you can reach them without taking your hand off of your baby. Having these items stacked on top of the dresser also makes it less likely that you will be surprised during changing time when you have no more diapers handy.


    Lay the baby on the changing pad and fasten the safety belt. Even with the safety belt fastened, always keep your hand on the baby to prevent him from rolling off the changing pad. Proceed with a normal diaper change.


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