
Friday, January 10, 2014

Leaf Drop Causes

Leaf Drop Causes

Seeing a plant in your yard or home suddenly lose its leaves can be a worrying sight, but there are several common reasons why a plant may drop its leaves. Identifying the cause is the first step to restoring your plant's health. Does this Spark an idea?


    Many plants will drop their leaves in response to overly wet or dry conditions. Dry, compacted soil during long periods of drought is stressful for many plants and they may drop their leaves to conserve resources. Soils that are saturated with water are also stressful and may illicit the same response as drought in some plants.

Lack of Space

    Plants that are kept in containers may drop their leaves when space is limited. There may not be enough room for the roots to support all of the leaves above the soil and plants will drop older leaves to conserve energy. Most plants will grow new foliage once placed in a larger container.


    Many tropical plants are sensitive to large temperature changes. A sudden change of temperature, hot or cold, can cause plants to drop their leaves, according to Michigan State University.


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