
Monday, March 10, 2014

How to Have a Successful Table at a Craft Show

How to Have a Successful Table at a Craft Show

If you are a crafter or artist who makes handmade items, you might want to enter a craft show. They can be a lot of fun and a great way to get your name out there, but they are also a lot of work.

For a successful craft show, you need to be prepared ahead of time and have an eye-catching table. By adding a few simple touches like props and a banner, you can get the attention of potential customers walking by and get the chance to sell some of your crafts.



    Make your craft table eye catching. Use interesting props and a colorful tablecloth. Have your displays at several levels for easy viewing.


    Bring a tent and lights. Set up your craft booth inside a tent like an EZ-Up. This attracts more attention to your booth and gives you wall space to hang things.


    Prepare ahead of time. While at home, plan and organize how you want to set up your table and booth so you can do it quickly once at the craft show.


    Bring plenty of everything. Have extra business cards, change for cash transactions and plenty of bags for purchases.


    Interact with the public and be friendly to browsers. Greet customers when they approach your booth, smile and let them know you are there to help and answer their questions. Don't be overly pushy.


    Wear your crafts. If you make crocheted items, jewelry or anything else you can wear, show it off. Customers love to see what the items look like when worn.


    Set out a clipboard with a mailing list sign-up sheet if you have a newsletter going out every month.


    Bring help. Ask friends or family to come by and help so you can take breaks, especially if you are doing an all-day event.


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