
Monday, June 2, 2014

How to Paint an End Table

The most interesting and possibly the most challenging aspect of painting an end table is choosing a color and type of paint that will match the rest of your room decor. You can go with a bright, vivid color to really make that end table stand out, or your can use paint sparingly, making the pigment work like a stain if you so desire. Does this Spark an idea?


How to Paint an End Table


    Sand the end table. This can vary from a light sanding if the piece of furniture is bare wood, to a thorough sanding effort if the end table has a fine finish on it.


    Add a wood stripper or paint remover if there is a heavy finish or paint that needs to come off. Soak the object in paint remover, let the liquid paste sit for a few minutes and then remove the mixture with an old rag or a mechanical tool such as a putty knife. Repeat this step if you have to.


    Clean off all chemicals with paint thinner and let the table dry. Sand any rough spots.


    Pick a color. This can be a challenge. There are several directions you can go with this. Here are a few hints. Pick a bold, solid color and have the color match something in the room. It could be a color in the upholstery or a painting on the wall. You could also pick a subdued color and match the end table with a portion of the room that is more neutral in color. Maybe you would like to match the color of the wall or the trim and save on buying new paint. Finally, you can choose a pale color and use it like a stain.


    Paint the end table with a latex-based primer-sealer. Do this with a good-quality nylon or polyester brush. Take your time and make every brush stroke count. Even though this is the primer coat, you still need to do a neat job with no paint buildup (but if you plan to use a pale paint as a stain, then you can skip the primer coat).


    Paint the end table with the final choice in color. Make sure the primer is completely dry before you begin this step. Use a good-quality brush and make the brushwork shine by following the grain of the wood as much as possible.


    Apply the paint with a brush and then wipe the paint off the wood surface after it has a chance to sit on the surface for a few minutes. Use a clean cloth or rag to do this.Try to keep the color even if you can and you can add a finish such as polyurethane after you are done.


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